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Steel Mill Coffee Co

Fair Trade Organic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

Fair Trade Organic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

Regular price $16.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.99 USD
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Fair Trade Organic Bean


  • FLAVOR: This Fair Trade Organic bean is fragrant and floral with wine and fruit overtones. The Yirgacheffe is one of the most prized East African coffees. It has a smooth medium body and long, lingering finish.
    Offering a softly fragrant aroma, these coffee beans have a subtle floral scent and a satisfyingly intensified finish that would leave any coffee drinker's palate wanting more.
  • ORIGIN: Grown in Ethiopia
  • Medium Roast Coffee that is vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and free of chemicals.
  • ARABICA COFFEE BEANS: Coffee that is good and fair for coffee drinkers, farmers, and the planet. Arabica coffee beans offer robust flavor with none of the bitterness you find in other bean types.


Fresh, premium coffee beans straight from the source, no middle-man, no additives, JUST COFFEE!

That's what Steel Mill Coffee Company has been about since day one. We work hard to find the best beans from all over the world. Our unique and expert roasting techniques are what set us apart from the rest.

All of our coffee beans are responsibly sourced and roasted in small batches to ensure you get the best quality. Each bag is hand-packed to order and sent directly to your door so you always have the freshest cup possible. Experience the difference with over 100 flavors and blends!

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How much caffeine is in your coffee?

On average there is around 95mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee regardless of the brewing method. In short, a 250ml brewed coffee and a 30ml cup of espresso have the same amount of caffeine even though their concentration levels are different.

Does dark roast have more caffeine than light roast?

Although dark roast tastes stronger, contrary to popular belief, it does not contain more caffeine! Oh, my! 

Some argue that light roast preserves more of the caffeine because it is roasted for less time. The truth is both roast levels have more or less the same amount of caffeine. Neither gets roasted at a high enough temperature to alter the caffeine content! So don’t worry about it and just enjoy the roast you like best! Our coffee is pure and will wake you up no matter what!

How long does your coffee sit on the shelf before you ship it?

It doesn’t! That’s what we take pride in! You order it and we then hand-pack and ship right away. You are getting the freshest coffee possible. No sitting in a warehouse or on a store shelf. Only fresh pure coffee.

Is your coffee bitter?

Bitter coffee comes down to two things.

- Bad beans

- Bad brewing (over brewing)

All coffee has bitter elements. Robusta beans will taste more bitter (we use Arabica which has a better flavor profile so not to worry).

 If you are over brewing your coffee, you will extract more bitterness in your cup no matter what bean type you have. If you buy our coffee “ground” for a standard brewer, we will grind them to the perfect size to avoid over extraction. 

Our beans are of the highest quality and do not have much bitterness to them. If you are noticing your beans tasting a bit bitter, try using less grounds in your filter so that the water runs through quicker. It’s usually minor adjustments that can fix this common problem!